Cooperation means safety

Increasing the profitability of business means not only a cost-cutting policy or a good development strategy. Increasing profits often means for a business engaging an external advisor. Professional legal assistance for small and medium-sized companies is more than expert knowledge of legal provisions - it is an actual partnership.

Quick and efficient support



International Cooperation

Close contact with the client

Ecovis provides reliable legal advice based on solutions. You are just in the right place, because working with us you will avoid stress inherent to excessive costs by choosing with us a most advantageous solution to your business.

The development and effective operation are the goals set by every business, irrespective of the industry, while the complicated legal environment in which it is active requires making precise decisions and finding best solutions. We operate a business overserves, therefore we perfectly know the market conditions and we are able to provide you with tailor-made solutions fast and effectively, always focusing on your safety.

Legal services
for business

Wykorzystaj nasz atut połączenia doświadczenia współpracy z polskimi oraz zagranicznymi firmami. Wesprzemy Cię niezależnie od miejsca, w jakim jest Twój biznes – obsługujemy firmy obecne na rynku polskim od lat, wspieramy firmy w rozmowach z inwestorami zagranicznymi oraz te szukające dróg ekspansji zagranicznej.

We are a member of the worldwide Ecovis network – one of the largest advisory firms in the world. With almost 8,500 specialists in labour law, taxes and finance operating in nearly 80 countries, Ecovis constitutes a powerful support group. Given current dynamic changes in the economy, you can rely on our expert knowledge build upon international projects and exchange in experience.

We draw special attention to the building of committed cooperation with our clients. Each of the clients always has a direct contact with a member of the team involved in the performance of its engagement. Thanks to such approach, we can early identify and solve our client’s issues.

International support for companies

We support small and medium-sized enterprises


More than 20 years of experience


Countries where we are available

More than 8500 lawyers ready to support you


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Core areas of specialisation

We solve issues appearing in the process of deciding on individual terms and conditions of cooperation or contracts between the company and its directors and managers.

We assist our clients in establishing companies and partnerships, drafting founding deeds and articles of associations as well as corporate registrations and we provide comprehensive legal advisory services to partnerships and companies, irrespective of their legal form.

Legal advice on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in its widest sense. OUR main area of specialisation is handling complex cross-border transactions from pre-deal planning through to completion, including post-transaction support.

We draft contracts for domestic and cross-border transactions and issue opinions on the existing documents.

Reliable legal and tax advice on every level of the company’s operation, including in international environment.

Professional representation of clients in litigation In all court and administrative litigation.

All areas of specialisation

If you want to know more about Ecovis’s activities in the world visit

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Since several dozen years, small and medium-sized enterprise have been provided by Ecovis with real assistance and efficient solutions. You can also have support and a business partner in us.

Our team

Piotr Pruś

+48 691 409 091

Nikodem Multan

Zuzanna Kostur – Nienartowicz




Agata Wleklińska

Joanna Bobrowska

+48 690 050 665

Tax Advisor

Business Development Manager

Kęstutis Kvainauskas

+370 5 212 40 84

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

+370 5 212 40 84

Loreta Andziulytė

+370 5 212 40 84

Partner of Ecovis Proventuslaw

Attorney at law

Partner of Ecovis Proventuslaw

Attorney at law

Partner of Ecovis Proventuslaw

Attorney at law

Certified Data Protection Expert

Ecovis Lithuania

Jerzy Dąbrowski

+48 503 062 655

Małgorzata Macias

+48 602 760 344

Of counsel

Of counsel

Of counsel

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A few sentences about your product. How it help to solve clients' problems. A few sentences about your product. It should convince the unconvinced.

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+48 111 111 111


A few sentences about your product. How it help to solve clients' problems. A few sentences about your product. It should convince the unconvinced.

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Maecenas Quis

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Multan, Pruś

i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Prawna i Podatkowa sp.j.


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ul. Belwederska 9A 00-761 Warszawa

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